What do I need to obtain the service?Have a valid coupon, normally this coupon has only one type of service.How simple is the process?1.- Download the Zafe Lite app2.- Deactivate your Wifi, leave your mobile data active and never activate airplane mode.3.- Enter your valid coupon and link it to your phone number.4.- Ready! Enjoy sponsored services.Some benefits of using Zafe Lite:• Unlimited calls and mobile data even without balance.• Communication at all times.• Security and protection of your information*.*For the optimal functioning of Zafe Lite you must allow access to location, contacts and VPN.IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT VPN:It only uses the vpnservice if the user chooses the data option and wants to access the sending of messages through WhatsAppThe VPN is used to ensure the security and privacy of your data while we activate your WhatsApp service. This technology creates a secure connection between your device and our servers, meaning your data will be encrypted and protected throughout the process. Importantly, under this VPN, we do not store or access your personal data. Our priority is to ensure the confidentiality and protection of your information while we activate your service.